MA Economic Development Secretary visits Hudson

Secretary Yvonne Hao from the Executive Office of Economic Development (EOED) and members of her team came to Hudson for an announcement of Community One-Stop for Growth program and Downtown Initiative grants and to recognize Hudson’s downtown revival and the Hudson BID’s leadership role. 

Hudson was the first community in Central Massachusetts to form a Business Improvement District (BID) in 2017 – and the BID has provided leadership, offered guidance, and targeted investments to make a shared vision for the downtown a reality. Hudson received grant funding to measure the economic impact of the Public/Private partnership between the Town of Hudson and the Downtown Hudson BID.

Pictured l-r: Emmy Hahn, EOED MDI Program Coordinator; Tom Gregory, Hudson Executive Assistant; Kristina Johnson, Hudson Director of Planning and Community Development; Richard Braga, Hudson BID; Chuck Randall, Hudson BID; Scott Duplisea, Hudson Selectboard Chair; Rep. Kate Hogan; Karim El-Gamal, Hudson BID; Sen. Jamie Eldridge; EOED Secretary Yvonne Hao; EOED Undersecretary Ashley Stolba; EOED Assistant Secretary of Community and Programs Juan Vega

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