State Representative Kate Hogan was honored to be recognized with a ‘Legislator of the Year’ award from the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (MassNAELA) for her advocacy of elder services and commitment to raising awareness of legal issues affecting seniors.
“Throughout my time in the Legislature, including my service as co-chair of the Elder Caucus, I’ve seen many examples of how legislation can help seniors, people with special needs, and their families. I filed H.1202, An Act to preserve special needs trusts for disabled seniors, to ensure that seniors who are disabled can continue to receive support from special needs pooled trusts for care and needs not covered by MassHealth,” said Rep. Hogan. “Assistance from pooled trusts can help folks with disabilities maintain dignity and quality of life when confined to a nursing home or receiving home care. I continue to work with House Leadership to ensure that this legislation continues its path forward and a permanent solution is secured.”
Pictured (l-r): MassNAELA President Michael Couture; State Representative Kate Hogan; MassNAELA Chapter Director Clarence Richardson; MassNAELA State House Lobbyist Nomita Ganguly